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联系人:刘先生 先生 (经理)
电 话:0769-82055128
手 机:13751237828





PV5 Series Sealed, Long Life Anti-vandal Switches

Solder terminal options available

1 pole momentary switch

IP65 rated


PV6 Series Illuminated, Sealed, Long Life Anti-vandal Switches

16mm diameter panel cutout

1 pole Off-(On) with IP65 rating

Dot and ring illumination options available

Solder terminals


PV7 Series Sealed, Long Life, Illuminated Anti-vandal Switches

22mm diameter panel cutout

Dot and ring illumination options available

1 pole double break function

IP65 rated


PV8 Series Illuminated, Sealed Anti-vandal Switches

25mm diameter panel cutout

Dot and ring illumination options available

1 or 2 poles maintained and momentary double break functions

IP65 rated


PV9 Series Sealed Illuminated Anti-vandal Switch

28mm diameter panel cutout

Dot or ring illumination options available

Multiple switch functions available

IP65 rated, SPDT or DPDT


PVL Series Pilot Lamp Indicator

Pilot lamp indicator

Multiple diameters starting at 6mm dia and up

40,000 hours nominal lamp life

IP67 rated


ULV4 Series Anti-vandal Switch UL Listed

Dot, ring or power symbol illuminated

IP67 rated, UL certified

Long life; latching or momentary

SPDT or DPDT with multiple function

刘先生 先生 (经理)  
电  话: 0769-82055128
传  真: 0769-83568818
移动电话: 13751237828
公司地址: 中国广东东莞市黄江镇鸡啼岗管理区
邮  编: 161886
公司主页: http://presstheswitch.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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按动轻按开关厂 公司地址:中国广东东莞市黄江镇鸡啼岗管理区
刘先生 先生 (经理) 电话:0769-82055128 传真:0769-83568818
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