商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:presstheswitch.qy6.com 耳机插座IPX7尺寸实物/防水耳机插孔立体声规格体积/防耳机插口精确选择_按动轻按开关厂
联系人:刘先生 先生 (经理)
电 话:0769-82055128
手 机:13751237828





JS1400 Series 5-position Navigation Switch

5 position navigation switch

7.4mm x 7.7mm

3 different actuator height options

Surface mount design


JS5208 Series 5-position Navigation Switch

5 position navigation switch

12.4mm x 12.4mm base

12.2mm tall

Surface mount design


YTD-Legacy Products

Product Change Notifications

E-Switch Replacement Series

Active Drawing Reference


Rocker switches are commonly used to directly power a device. They are available in many shapes, sizes and colors, with both standard and custom symbols available on the actuator. Rocker switch illumination may be controlled on a separate circuit, or be dependent on switch position, based on what series is chosen. Available termination options include SMT, PCB pins, solder lugs, screw terminals, and quick connect tabs.


300 Series Miniature Rocker and Paddle Switches

Up to 5A 120VAC or 28VDC rating, also available in gold

Panel or PC board mount design

Up to 4 poles momentary and maintained functions


300A Series Sealed, Miniature Rocker and Paddle Switches

Up to 5A 120VAC or 28VDC rating, also available in gold

Panel or PC board mount design

Up to 2 poles momentary and maintained functions

IP67 seale

刘先生 先生 (经理)  
电  话: 0769-82055128
传  真: 0769-83568818
移动电话: 13751237828
公司地址: 中国广东东莞市黄江镇鸡啼岗管理区
邮  编: 161886
公司主页: http://presstheswitch.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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按动轻按开关厂 公司地址:中国广东东莞市黄江镇鸡啼岗管理区
刘先生 先生 (经理) 电话:0769-82055128 传真:0769-83568818
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